Saturday 19 May 2012

Year Two Day One Hundred and Sixty - Ikea Picture Frame

Dear all, 

On our mission to become proper, grown up Artists, today, Karen and I took a speedy trip down to Ikea to pick up a mountain of frames for our work.

 We realized quickly that one cart was NOT enough... Karen found this nifty open-cart that we soon filled up with multiple frames. The frames are such great value and really make our work, especially the prints, look fantastic.
As with most trips to Ikea... we ended up with a few more things than we had anticipated prior to entering the store. I picked up a couple of pint glasses and a jug (very useful in light of the recent summer-like weather condition). 
We also stopped off at the 'as is' section of the store but didn't find anything of real interest... the mountain of picture frames was enough for today!
 And here is the car filled to the brim! Karen's car is brilliant and has a large, expansive trunk so we managed to fit everything in. A very successful day! Now to get selling our art!

And in other news:
1. I couldn't resist..... it's Spring in CWood! 
2. Karla and I had such a lovely morning! A 2 hr run, 1 hr Spin class and then walkies with Jessie Jnr! She is ADORABLE

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