Saturday 26 May 2012

Year Two Day One Hundred and Sixty Five - Raclette Dinner

Dear all,

Summer is here and today we had yet another fabulous evening up in Owen Sound with Vince and Kerry and the kids. Patio season is in full swing, yippee! 
Todd and Christie were hosting dinner, using their fabulous Raclette. After the sun started to set, everyone started furiously cutting up various different pieces of meat, scallops, shrimp *prawns*, cheese, bread: it was a feast to behold.
The temperature was so balmy, that we were able to eat outside - check out the prep table (FULL of food). 

Here are the (very delicious looking)  beef tenderloin, chicken, shrimp and scallops all ready for cooking.. 
Oh, and Kerry's amazing freshly roasted garlic was part of the mix too. 
The raclette is a grill which sits in the middle of the table and allows everyone to cook the meat right there and then. It's an extremely social form of eating, not to mention delicious. The grill comes with small spoons that slot in under the grill, which can be used to melt cheese *on bread* simultaneously. It's a mountain of goodness. 
Here is the raclette in action!
Darren was very good at loading up the grill - it's important not to run out of meat!
It was a fabulous evening, as always and we ate and drank to our heart's desire.. I love summer! 

And in other news:
1. Check out our Rhondedendron!
2. And the columbine.. (picked up last year in Loblaws for 20cents per plant!)

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