Thursday 3 May 2012

Year Two Day One Hundred and Forty Five - T H and B

Dear all, 

Today we have more art-adventures from Karen and Libby! Today we pushed the bar of coolness and went to a gallery opening, IN A DISUSED FACTORY! How cool is THAT!
The factory was in Hamilton ( and if you have some of my pervious posts you may piece two and two together.. **Karen and I fitted so many amazing things into one day... I have spread them out over a period of several posts) and it was very deserted. And no, we didn't randomly stumble upon the factory by chance, we were there to attend the opening of a large opening which included the work of Niall - our amazing sculpture guru from Georgian !

** we drove through this 'dark corridor' - how cool!

After we had arrived and parked, we were ushered down a very long and intimidating corridor that appeared to have no end.
But after finding a very severe flight of numerous stairs, we reached a doorway which opened up to VAST expanse of space and the coolest art 'gallery' I have ever seen. It was epic!
My blackberry is severely limited in the camera department ( possibly due to dust, possibly just because), but hopefully some of the pictures below give a sense of the size of the space. Karen's pics are much, much better and she so kind to let me post them too! 

Above is a picture of one of our favourites: The artist had wrapped plastic fence around and around one of the pillars in the factory - enough to cover three football pitches! It was awesome!

And here is a man dressed as a sparrow ( never a good gallery opening without a man dressed as a sparrow). There were numerous cool-kids running around ( which I whole-heartily support - such a fabulous cultural experience for them). Karen and I were studying the various outfits ( everyone was cool) in order to 'coolify' ourselves. We will need to be cool as artists ( and it might involve a few trips to the thrift stores to get some cool clothes).  Although, I think we looked pretty cool. And we had just sprinted up the Niagara escarpment in our fancy clothes. 

And here we are !
And here a picture with the Man of the night, Niall! His amazing plane was a triumph! And Karen can even say that she was his studio assistant. Amazing! 
It was such a cool night and Karen and I were totally inspired and activated when we left. We had to head out pretty early on the long drive back to Barrie and Collingwood but it was totally worth it and an incredible adventure!

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