Sunday 13 May 2012

Year Two Day One Hundred and Fifty Four - Business Cards

Dear all, 

Today was an epic day in my artistic career to date: I ordered some business cards! I feel this makes me an proper, grown up artist (now it's actually written, in words, on paper). I decided to chose one of the images from my 'six degrees of seperation' project for the card **See below - I thought it would look quite nice and at least it looks like a butterfly ( very important to demonstrate that one can draw whilst promoting oneself as an 'artist')
I printed the business cards at the local UPS store ( who'd have thought it!) and they did a great job for a very reasonable and competitive price. 
 And here they are! All 100 of them. I am thrilled and have an immediate urge to give them to everyone I know. Bring on a whole new World of networking possibilities!

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