Monday 7 May 2012

Year Two Day One Hundred and Forty Nine - Growing an Avocado

Dear all, 

After a flash of inspiration ( and sale on avocados), Darren and I are currently experimenting wildly with Guacamole recipes. It is quite a joyous experiment as rarely will you go wrong. I decided to try and use the multiple Avocado seeds that I have been collecting and attempt to grow a plant. 
I found this brilliant website which described the process perfectly!
  1. First, I washed the seeds carefully. 
  2. Then I pricked each side with a tooth pick ( as seen below).

3. I then filled three glasses full of water and balanced the avocado on the glass. I left them on the window sill in the sunlight. 
4. As you can see - the see is bottom-down and resting in the water. 
5. We then wait until the root and shoot starts to grow and transfer into a pot of soil ( normally 2-3 weeks). Easy! 
**Remember to change the water every 2 days to prevent mould/ bacteria getting in. 
I will keep everyone posted!

And in other news:
1. Here are my latest paintings! A Moroccan Scene:

2. And another Moroccan Scene actually... but could be anywhere lovely by the ocean/ a lake. 

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