Tuesday 1 June 2010

Day Seventy Eight - Cleaning Kimono

Dear all,

A strange and wonderful thing happened to me today. Whilst having a clean out, Linda found an old summer kimono and when I got back to Darren's place after art class, I decided to try it on, and a funny thing happened... I decided to clean his entire house. It must be my inner domestic goddess bursting forth and revealing 'Libby The Geisha'. It was most puzzling, more than most than for D. But I think it humored him greatly.

I am also modeling one of Darren's amazing Freezie wraps in the attached photo. I had a water-sports based injury but the wrap worked a treat! I would highly recommend it to anyone: http://www.mendmeshop.ca

And in other news:
1. I finished Painting 3 in Darren's Picasso collection: La Reve.

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