We are dipping our toes into the holiday season at the inn and after a very busy day ( and on the advice of the King of Food Shopping, Paul ) I left work at high speed to gather up my wears to feed Darren and his wonderful friend Jeff who were out all day on the golf course and would be ready, I imagined, to eat the equivalent of a horse between them. I stopped off at my new favorite spot, Meesters to pick up a 'block' of asparagus and some strawberries.
I found myself racing home with a couple of slabs of Pork Tenderloin, pre-marinaded in sweet chilli and lime, on the sage advice of Big Paul who insisted that the boys would love it.
I got them home in record time and started to whip up dinner. As always, I prepared enough for around 10 people and as Darren and Jeff got home, happy from the golf, but tired from the sun, the first round of food was ready for them.
The tenderloin was a great success. I also cooked up potatoes and corn and chucked in a variety of fresh herbs from the garden.
My cooking skills are advancing, I love it! Now I need to seriously monitor my portion control or our home is going to become a nothing but a food storage unit!
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