Saturday 12 June 2010

Day Eighty Eight - Small Tunnel

Dear all,

Its been an interesting week at the inn.... and today was no exception. We are having a few 'rain related' issues so my challenges today revolved around the 'clean up' operation.

1. Challenge 'pot hole'.
This challenge was allocated to me due to my size and ability to do fairly dangerous things without experiencing any fear. I was sent on a mission to climb up and under the foundations of Home Farm in fixing up internet cables that had come dismantled in the storm.

I have documented the event in photos as it was a little rigorous to start taking a video mid-crawl as I didn't really want to lose my camera and/or incur life loss.

I climbed up onto the ledge and then into the area documented below and crawled the length of the building to the other side to deliver the cable. It really was fairly exciting and felt like I was in an adventure film [on a mission to save the world].

Ahhh... life at the inn. It is so fabulously different every day.


2. Challenge Toilets
Hmmmm, this was again not a task to be documented in 'too' much details ( for every reason). Chris and I had to replace parts of one of the toilets at the Inn due to issues arising from the septic 'explosion' of the week previously.

The most exciting part of the task was guiding the toilet onto the bolts on the floor of which Chris had already described as having 'one shot' at. It felt like we were on a reality TV or something similar and we fixed that loo like our lives depended on it!

We succeeded! Hurray!

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