Thursday 24 June 2010

Day Ninety Nine - Curries Farm Market

Dear all,

As I left work today, I decided to take a quick detour and pop into the newly opened Curries Farm Market on Sixth Street on my way back home. They have recently renovated the market ready for the new season and it looks fabulous!

It is just off the highway, so perfect for a quick vegetable purchase after work and sells gorgeous looking local produce and country fair. I decided to purchase a quart of beets (99c - what a bargain!) and on getting them home, Darren (who was delighted with his gift) added that as a bonus, Beets are well known in cooking circles for being 'healthy'.

I think tomorrow's challenge will have to be 'Beet' based - possibly with a naughty 'unhealthy' slant... I will get my thinking cap on!

And in Other News:
1. The Canadian Otter

Lives near lakes and rivers in Canada; is a superb swimmer; makes 'mud slides' with the sole intention to slide down them and can stay underwater for up to 8 minutes by closing his ears and nostrils.

They also eat baby swans. All of them. Just outside in the Marina!

We spotted our friendly otter today whilst returning from a quick spin on the Jet Ski.

2. Pictured below are The Inn's little 'Otters' portraying the picture of sweetness and light, having a siesta. ( This is after I caught Mac with a Guinea Feather casually stuck in his 'cage'. Hmmmm.)

3. Darren won the beer round at Trivia which makes it two weeks in a row!!! This week had a' rather more geographical theme: How many great lakes are there? And he sailed home with a pitcher of beer and '5'!

4. The 'Earth-Moving' news of the day:

5: Darren and I went out on the Jet ski 'during a tornado'. I wondered why it was more than usually choppy.

6. And most importantly, HAPPY 67TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY to Grannie and Gramp!

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