Wednesday 9 June 2010

Day Eighty Four - Blockbusters

Dear all,

After another dismal day in Collingwood with rain, rain and more rain. The Inn roof is holding up (Good) but the septic system has now exploded ( Bad ) so after I had finished both work and art class, I found sanctuary back home with Darren.

I had had a few interesting experiences throughout the day but was still on a quest for something with a little pazzaz and as D would say 'Blog Worthy'. This may not seem like much to you all, but today I accomplished a personal first: I went into Blockbusters and 'rented' some movies. The key here is that I didn't 'buy' anything and this is a MAJOR first ( Those that know me well know of my slightly compulsive film-purchasing behavior)

After being brutally denied take-out wings from 'The Beaver and Bulldog' ( it was wing night ), I made a bee-line for my secret shopping haven with the sole objective of not-purchasing-a-film.

And I succeeded! Apart from the boys behind the counter wooing me with their 'deals' and ' Block Buster Loyalty Point Plans' and refused to cave and I rented: Wolfman ( Average. Spare a thought for poor, wonderful Benecio... I just hope he was well payed for the gig), Three Kingdoms ( Darren and I play the browser game: I rented it for research purposes) and a little treat in the form of Layer Cake in Blue Ray.

Another lovely evening ( and no extra DVDs filling up the home, hurray! )

And in Other News:

2.The plural of Pheonix is Phoenīcēs ( Darren and I discussed this for a long while, potential candidates including: Pheni, Phene and Phenod)

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