Friday 4 June 2010

Day Eighty - Art Show

Dear all,

A day of high excitement here in the Pretty River Valley: The opening of my Art Show... EEEEEK.

After the compulsory last minute panic ( nb: Darren was brilliantly calming during this brief 'panic stage'), I got labels out, paintings priced, last minute 'touch-ups' and everything ready to go.

It's a funny thing having an art show - I suddenly felt quite nervous really, not having had my paintings being displayed en mass before and suddenly having them all together in a room [with price tags on them] was quite bizare.

After an hour or so however, a wave of calm decended and I decided not to worry about a thing. At midday I picked up Bob and Mary Lou and bought them to the show. It was so wonderful that they could come and they also fell in love with Ariel, a fabulous Yorkie who had also popped in for the show.

The show runs for three days so I will keep everyone posted on how it goes!

And in other news:
1. More cooking, more cooking, hurray, I love it! Darren had a brain wave in suggesting I use the chicken and ratatouille stock (combined) to make a veal meatball soup ( very advanced). So I did. AND it worked ( miracle) .
My congenital problem with portion control came rigorously into effect as I decided to also prepare a VAST pasta salad, the [now favorite] proscuitto wrapped asparagus and for dessert... a lemon and lime pie.. ( improved recipe with Lemon yogurt, lime jello powder, Lime zest + juice, Lemon Zest + Juice, Cream Whip, mix up, put in lovely biscuit pie case, sprinkle with honey Grahams and pop in fridge... ooo lalalalala)

Everything worked, hurray! It was so wonderful to see Bob and Mary Lou too. I was such a lovely couple of days.

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