Sunday 27 June 2010

Day One Hundred and Three - Hydro Planing

Dear all,

Oh my, what a day, the rain will not cease.. thunder too ( but no earthquake fortunately). The issues with water are continuing to bubble away at the inn so after work I made a direct bee line to the sanctuary of home with Darren for a boiling hot shower and a spot of painting before heading out to the cinema. I had quite a shock however as I left the torrential rain. As I was driving down the 10th line, something happened to me which was certainly very unusual... my wonderful car hydro-planed.

Hydroplaning can be described as a loss of steering or braking control when a layer of water prevents direct contact between road vehicle or aircraft tires and the road. A this point, ones car slide across the top of the water (like a skier) until the momentum decreases enough where one sinks or reaches the other side of the road. In other words: terrifying!

Luckily... the guy at the stop sign (who I was hurtling towards) could see exactly what was going on and let me shoot through without so much as a horn-toot. It shook me up though, oh my lordy. I drove at 50 ( km/ h for all the Brits reading) the rest of the way home with my entire body in adrenaline shock. All okay, warm and safe eating marshmallows with Darren.. sigh..

And in other news:
1. The G20 bubbles on in Toronto with virtually no impact on us here in Collingwood apart from a very unusual fleet of black 'stealth' helicopters flying over the inn around lunchtime today.

2. The sweetest wee baby foal anyone could ever lay eyes on...

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