Monday 21 June 2010

Day Ninety Seven - Horses on the Summer Solstice

Dear all,

Today I decided to celebrate the summer solstice by running through the orchard with my beautiful Una. Despite there being no other horses competing in the race, we won! The brilliant Lorraine agreed to commentate for the event and I am sure you will agree, she did a stellar job.
It was such an incredible day, a fantastic start to the summer, I salute you Mother Nature!
Mac celebrated the summer solstice in customary style, by sun bathing on the drive way.

And in other news:
1. New neighbor Brad decided to beat the latest trend in 'mail box baseball' by installing the ultimate in mailboxes. It is made of stainless steel and promises to outdo even the most hardy of baseball bats. (The Inn lost it's mail box a couple of weeks ago along with everyone on Side Road 30/31! Very annoying!)

2. Gandalf update:
He has duly lost his winter coat and about time! Here he models the [ever expanding] rack surrounded by his loyal harem. Woe betide anyone who dares to cross him.

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