Saturday 19 June 2010

Day Ninety Five - Bread

Dear all,

Left to my own devices in the kitchen after a lovely eve of 'Karate Kid' and a quick drink in the Beaver and Bulldog, while Darren went he went back to work ( he is amazing ), I was feeling quite activated so decided to pull of a double off a double-whammy and make bread AND a cobbler.

The bread was of course a massive mile stone in my domestic goddess training. Even the concept of 'leaving something to rise' is very alien to me especially as I appear to have a slight aversion to following recipes. I knew however to the sage advice of loved ones, that baking is not something to be taken lightly.. so I bit the bullet and followed the recipe to the last dotted 'i' and it worked. HURRAY.

I also managed to slip a sneaky cobbler into the oven using the plethora of fruits that I had stuffed into the fridge.
Everything went to plan apart from a slight incident involving the ignition of the loaf ( charred bread is so trendy right now) but fortunately I was on hand to put out the flames without any major damage or life loss.

The result was magnificent! The loaf decided to rise exponentially until it resembled something out of a horror movie and the cobbler was a complete triumph; the fruit bubbling gently away with a sugary crust and lightly browned topping. When Darren came home at around 1pm after a stint at work we had a bite and it was delicious. I am well on the way to becoming a bone fide domestic goddess!

And in other news:
1. Giovanni the Brave left the inn ( for the second time) today. He will be missed but promises to be back again in September. We will miss you Giovanni!

2. I ramped up my stakes in becoming a Domestic Goddess by today, 'freezing some fresh asparagus', because, 'I didn't want to waste it'. Not that I am into waste by any means, but the freezing of the veg has never been high on my priority list. And I think Darren is a little perturbed by the volume of food stuffs that are accumulating in the homestead... for just two people.

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