Monday 7 June 2010

Day Eighty Two - Fixing a Hole

Dear all

The calm after the storm.. or maybe I should say, 'The storm after the deluge'.
After an earth-shattering night of rain, we thought the only damage had been the drive way (which had completely washed away) but it turns out that the ceiling in Room 3 had also collapsed leaving a room full of plaster and a 'water-feature' affect. Almost like it was raining 'inside'.

I was assigned to the clear-up. This involved moving all the furniture and giving the carpet a full clean. Chris then got to it on the roof to assess the damage (which was bad). The plaster was EVERYWHERE but I managed to get a hold on it and soon things looked a little brighter.

Many interesting tasks will follow from this incident in the race against time to repair the roof at the Pretty River Valley Country Inn before the next storm [Wednesday]. Life is certainly never dull.

And in other news:
1. Linda and I decided that the end of the art tour deserved a bottle of Verve Cliquot's finest that wonderful Mikey had bought for me when he came over to visit in January. Of course, the best place for champagne is on the the veranda in the sun... absolutely fabulous darling... .

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