Saturday, 13 August 2011

Year Two Day Fifty Eight - Amazing Tin Foil Potatoes

Dear all, 

Today, Darren had a major surprise in store: He had the 'best' way of cooking potatoes 'in the World' and wanted to share his secret. I was delighted!!!! He was extremely cryptic and insisted that I follow his lead 'exactly' ( i.e. no renegade kitchen action) during the 'entire' process... I was intrigued!
So, we peeled off a rectangle of foil and placed slices of new potatoes on top, loosely and added knobs of butter, salt and pepper. 
Darren then cut of a piece that was near on exactly the same size as the first and aligned the corners together, again, as exactly as humanely possible. He then folded over each each of the triangle *exactly* making sure there were absolutely no 'holes' or 'tears'. This was *very* important. 
He then folded the folds again ( to ensure a firm seal) and then repeated the whole process with two more sheets of foil so the potatoes were 'double' wrapped in a super sealed foil package. 
Then we moved over to the fire. We had been burning brush all day so had to wait for the fire to burn down to leave fabulous hot charcoal in the fire pit that we could then cook over.
We had also bought up some chicken that went straight on the grill and we set our two potato packages down in the coals and let them cook away. 
Darren and I watched over the grill and slowly but surely, the potatoes started to resemble silver cushions as the steam started to fill the packages and cook through the potato slices with the heat from the smokey  charcoal.

My bag (on the left) took a while to fire up ( unlike Darren's which filled up like a puffer fish almost immediately) but she got going eventually ( phew - no holes!).
After 30 minutes or so, we took the two potato pillows of the fire and inside for the grand reveal - I was excited!
Darren was very careful to open package one ( the heat was intense) but managed to spill out the spuds into a tray and we were ready to eat. They smelt incredible: rich, smokey and flavorful. Just delicious!

They are the perfect camping food and so delicious! We finished off one bag and left the other for breakfast ( we planned to heat up the bag again on the fire after an early morning swim.. bliss). Tin Foil Potatoes are truly amazing!

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