Saturday 16 June 2012

Year Two Day One Hundred and Seventy Nine - Pretzel Bretzel

Dear all

Today, Darren had a very specific craving so sent me on a mission: he wanted me to find the 'ULTIMATE pretzel'. I took myself off to Metro and scoured the shelves... interestingly, there wasn't quite the variety I had envisioned ( considering the 1 1/2 aisles devoted to chips *crisps for the UK audience* and other chip-like crispy crisps. I the end, I bought everything ( not all the bags, just one bag per brand), hoping that this would increase my odds in finding the 'ULTIMATE pretzel'. As luck would have it, I hit the jackpot! Darren was after the hallowed honey mustard 'pretzel bretzel' from Neal Brothers and he was not wrong, they are delicious!
And here is photographic evidence: The Pretzel Bretzel ( with my fingers in shot for scale). The Ultimate Pretzel!
And in other news: 
1. Another gorgeous evening in Collingwood... Darren and I went for a stroll around the Shipyards - so picturesque!

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