Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Day Two Hundred and Ninety Seven - Cougar

Dear all,

I was driving into work this morning and something caught my eye. I was just climbing up and out of Collingwood while driving along the 10th Line, a long straight road that stretches from the main town out towards Duntroon and passes by numerous vast, empty fields.

Exhibit [a] Jessie in the snow.

As I was driving over the highest point in the road, I glanced to my right and saw a lone 'animal' standing in the middle of the vast field. It was larger than any normal sized dog {see exhibit [a]'Jessie in the snow'}. This photo confirms that dogs are rarely able to stand still; especially if alone, surrounded by rabbits and in a large, snow covered area.
There were several things about this animal that immediately got my attention. I was sadly unable to stop and take photographic evidence, primarily due to it being 7AM, I was [cutting it fine] on the way to work and [it's ski season] there were a lot of cars on the road. Oo and it was minus 27.
There were a number of key points in classifying the beast:
1. It was alone
2. It was confidently standing alone ( ie not a deer)
3. It had a long tail with a 'Tim Burton' style curl at the bottom
4. It was stocky with a small rounded head
5. It was a cougar
Yep, the myth could be true. I am fairly confident what I saw was a cougar. The only other two things it could have [realistically] been is a dog or a deer and I have already explained why I believe why this couldn't be the case.
It puts an interesting slant on my running... ( Cougars/ Pumas/ Mountain Lions kill small people). But, I am not as afraid as I would be if I bumped into a 6ft snake!!

And in other news:
1. Most people will know I have a rampant fear of snakes. I put it down to a close, psychic bond to Indiana Jones. Wonderful Mary Lou sent me this email today. It contains rather disturbing information that I feel I need to report as it affects everyone in our area. This photo was taken IN WIARTON, very close to Owen Sound: This is a Rattle Snake.
If I am ever in the company of any rattle snakes, LET ALONE one that is more than 6 ft tall, I will require post traumatic care in the form of serious psychological counselling.

There were 57 rattlers killed on two farms alone in the area this year. Highly disturbing information. Keep your toe-capped boots on folks.

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