Saturday 15 September 2012

Year Two Day Two Hundred and Thirty - Photo Litho

Dear all, 

Back to school and back to the print shop!!! On a gorgeous morning, Karen and I met early to rattle off (all print students will know this is impossible in the print making discipline) our first project for the wonderful Stu ( 
Et Voila.... The Litho Press... many an hour spent cranking this baby.... and here we are again!
I meticulously set up our materials (ink, roller, water, sponge) to get everything started
Here is the dreaded Ink... it's horrid stuff... sticky and with a tar-like quality (bad on clothes). 
I also added Magnesium Carbonate and a very potent (and mysterious) varnish 'number 7' to the ink to prepare it for printing. 
Now to my image! I had taken a photo of a drawing I had prepared for Gary's painting class ( a close up of rose quartz crystal). The image was copied onto acetate. I then manipulated the image using water and a litho crayon ( to enhance the darks). 
Here is the acetate on the light table - a useful tool. As you can see, the lights are looking a 'little' lighter. FYI - with printing, there is a huge element of guess work regarding the finished product. 

Then into the dark room.... no point in taking my camera in there... but here is the mysterious doorway. Inside, we 'shot' the image onto a 'photo-sensitive litho plate', developed the plate... and then we were good to go ( wow - so easy!). 
So, onto the print table! We placed a large aluminium plate on the table ( it's heavy) with the aluminium plate (with the developed image) on top. We need to keep the plate constantly damp ( hence, the sponge).
I rolled the ink - this is an art form in itself... it needs to be a very specific density. Also notes the safety equipment; mask, gloves and apron (very important).

And I rolled on the ink! Two lots of two and sponge of water to make sure the plate is damp ( and to stop smudging). 

Then the plastic thingy ( timpin) goes down and you crank the press - it's hard due to the pressure so good for arm muscle tone for anyone interested in fitness. 

Here I am winding the plate through the press. 
We use this yukky grease to make sure it goes through properly

(My least favorite aspect of the press). 

I couldn't do any of this without Karen!!! My amazing friend!
 And here they are.... after some proofs on newsprint... I was off... printing and printing.... ( on post 'BFK' paper.
Just for reference - here are the litho 'stones' - we used these last year... I was too overwhelmed unfortunately to blog about them. I will get around to it - they are a treat. 

All done!!! Hurray! We leave the prints to dry on the rack and then label and sign ready to hand in next Tuesday!

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