An iconic day for me today: I was standing in for Aaron and hosting Wednesday Night Trivia at the Admiral's Post!
OOOoo lalala, I have new found respect for Aaron and all that have hosted before. I tell ya, it's like been thrown into the lion pen with 100 angry trivia-loving lions... all very opinionated and hungry for a win.
But before I say anything, a HUGE shout out to the ever-amazing Darren who has been a major force in the Trivia build up and hugely supportive even as I fired question after question at him. D, you are magnifico.
Anyway, after mulling over the Trivia questions for some time, I came up with 5 question rounds, 1. Colour 2. International Foods 3. Science and Nature 4. Capital Cities and 5. Britain, a picture round on flowers and a 'music in movies' round. D and I arrived early to a bustling pub with people milling around, selecting their tables ( imperative to have a good spot) and settling in with an ale.
Aaron was very helpful in getting everything set up and with my trusty Mac as my trivia hosting companion, we kicked off the evening. I was glad to have wonderful Karla sitting at the table beside me, Jenny, Andi and Frank were soon to join and Frank sailed home with the first victory of the evening... a jug of beer from the exalted beer-round.
I was actually quite struck by the passion of the players, despite being a regular, I didn't realize how 'competitive' everyone was. I certainly had to fend off some flack.. but felt secure in my ball dress ( I felt it important to wear a ball dress for my trivia debut) and held my own against the [occasional] barrage of 'abuse'. As I mentioned before.. much respect to Aaron for his weekly does on the block.. its not easy up there and he does a sterling job!
I sadly forgot about my camera in all the commotion but Darren did take one last piccie of me in my trivia guise at the end of the evening.
I enjoyed being trivia master and had a great evening, but was also happy to get home to a cold corona and late night TV with the gorgeous (and now un-bearded) D.
And in other news:
1. First stab at making soup.. so I thought I would start with the old and faithful Potato and Leek from the BBC Good Food website (a consistently reliable source of recipe goodness). It tasted quite wonderful despite the fact that it made our condo smell quite significantly of onions.
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