On my way to Darren's this evening after a busy day on the farm, I was driving past 'Meesters' [the local mecca for all things fruity and hand picked] and I noticed that despite being past 6pm, they were 'open'. With a dramatic screech of the brakes ( possible due to the roads in Canada being predominantly long, straight and free of traffic), I raced into Meesters and asked for 5 bucks worth of their best Asparagus. What I got for $5 was nothing short of a BLOCK of the stuff, with tusks so big that they looked like mini trees.
So, armed with my new bounty, I popped into Metro and with slight trepidation [ordering from the 'meat' counter still feels rather abstract] bought some prosciutto and various salamis which I thought might be a good compliment to the asparagus brick.
At Darren's ( who luckily exclaimed that he would happily eat two pounds of asparagus. This is good as there is now four pounds of it in his fridge), with one hour before trivia, I quickly flash-boiled the tusks, wrapped them in the prosciutto and with a genius call from D, sprinkled them with Parmesan, laced them with olive oil, seasoned and popped them in the oven for 5 minutes.
Oh my oh my, despite being so simple, that is the best thing I have made to date. Delicieux!
And in other news:
We came second at Trivia! We had an awesome team comprised of Anna, Di, Nadia, Rich and myself.Trivia theme 'mothers'. Team name 'Mother Puckers'. Magnificant.
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