Monday, 21 February 2011

Day Three Hundred and Seventeen - Collingwood Hospital

Dear all,

A short, and somewhat bittersweet post today and apologies for the temporary sabbatical, I have been thrust into the tumultuous hands of the demonic Influenza and despite the fact that numerous 'unusual' things have been happening to me, I have been unable to lift my head off the pillow for more than about 5 minutes without wanting to pass out.
After being sent home [in a storm and I disturbingly don't remember the drive to or from work] after only one hour of arriving at work, I spent the whole day in bed being nursed by an amazingly kind Darren. The next day and now rampant with various unsavory symptoms such a high fever and terrifying cough, he took me straight to the hospital. Our major concern was my now debilitating back pain, which echoed of a horrendous encounter with the dreaded Shingles about 3 years ago.
So, into the hospital I went. Hospitals are my least favorite place in the world so I don't make a decision to enter one lightly. I ended up having to stay the whole day but luckily Darren was able to scoop me up and take me home late in the evening. The nice Doctor concluded that, although I need to be quarantined due to having a pretty bad flu, I didn't have shingles. Yay!

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